Board members
All Board members work and have a vast experience in biomedicine and biotechnology.
Jaume Amat
Is a telecommunications engineer.
He completed a Master’s Degree in Executive Education (Program for Management Development) from IESE Business School and a Master’s Degree in Strategic Negotiations, Executive idEC, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He is also the holder of a Master’s Degree in Motivation and Leadership from University of Auckland Business School and a Master’s Degree in Social Leadership from ESADE.
Jaume Amat is an entrepreneur with a vast experience in setting up biotechnology and biomedic companies.
He took part in the setting up of ARCHIVEL FARMA. S.L. a pharmaceutical company that, along with the Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud from Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, developed RUTI®, an antigen vaccine for treating a latent form of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (LTBI).
He has been involved in several business projects such as VCNBIOSCIENCES. S.L. -a private company focused on developing new therapies to treat tumours that do not have effective treatment-, ANILING. S.L. -a company focused on providing faster access to genomics and epigenomics scientific breakthroughs-, MANREMYC. S.L. -a company with tuberculosis eradication as its mission-, GOOD GUT. S.L. -a biotechnology company devoted to designing an analysis system and therapeutic products for digestive disease diagnosis and treatment-, ROB SURGICAL SYSTEMS. S.L. -a company that develops a surgical robot for minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery-, and SPECIFIC PIG. S.L., a CRO focused on breeding Minipigs to be used as experimental models.
Joan Puig de Dou
Holds Pharmacy and Business Administration degrees and experience in pharmaceutical industry.
Joan has a BSc in Pharmacy with specialization in analysis of drugs and industrial pharmacy by UB (University of Barcelona), and a BSc in Business Administration by UOC. He completed a General Management program in IESE and he also followed different Programs in Industrial Management and Logistics.
He has worked as Technical Director, Operations Manager and General Manager at LABORATORIOS MENARINI and he has been Strategic General Manager and CEO at KYMOS PHARMA SERVICES.
He has been involved in setting up several companies such as KYMPS PHARMA SERVICES and MITELOS. A present, he is a member of the MANREMYC scientific board and member of the board and founder investor in PATCONSULT. LAB..
Moreover, he has some experience in a finance company, in a charity foundation and is investor in biotechnology capital venture fund. He is a former member of the Board of the association Catalonia Bio (2014-2018).
Jordi Alumà
Holds a Degree in Medicine and Surgery from UAB, Hospital del Mar Teaching Unit, Barcelona.
He is also the holder of a Master’s Degree in Pathological Anatomy of laboratory animals from Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Toulouse and Université de Paris VI.
He has worked for several CROs. He was the Head of the Pathology Department at CENTRO DE INVETIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO APLICADO, Director of the Pathology Laboratory at RCC. S.A., and HARLAN LABORATORIES S.A., Founder and Pathologist of ANAPATH GmbH. Switzerland, PATCONSULT. BCN and Toxicological Pathology Consultant for ENVIGO CRS. He is currently the CEO and Scientific Director of PATCONSULT. LAB. S.L.